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Chianale – Rifugio Vallanta e Rifugio Gagliardone

Tipologia percorso



Anello del Monviso

Dislivello in salita

1.100 m

Dislivello in discesa

650 m

Tempo complessivo

4.45 h

In senso inverso

4.10 h

Chianale 1797 m – Passo della Losetta 2872 m – Rifugio Vallanta e Rifugio Gagliardone 2450 m

This section follows the itinerary of a classical excursion, that is also very much frequented as a ski mountaineering path. In the upper ravine of Soustra you can sometimes meet chamois, thanks to a protected area that was established a few years ago in the nearby deep valley of Vallanta. The Passo della Losetta, which is easy, is one of the highest of all the passes touched by the GTA.