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Pontechianale – Chianale

Tipologia percorso



Anello del Monviso

Dislivello in salita

800 m

Dislivello in discesa

600 m

Tempo complessivo

4 h

In senso inverso

3.40 h

Pontechianale 1614 m – Colle del Rastel 2372 m – Chianale 1797 m

A short section, very panoramic and picturesque. The connection between Pontechianale and Chianale can naturally be made along the valley floor road in a little over an hour, or even using public transport, but we strongly advise to dedicate a day to this easy itinerary that allows a complete exploration of the upper Chianale valley and the overlooking South-Western side of the Monviso group.