Ghigo di Prali – Villanova (chair lift)
Tipologia percorso
Anello delle Valli Valdesi
Dislivello in salita
270 m (+1.030 in seggiovia)
Dislivello in discesa
1.530 m
Tempo complessivo
5.15 h + chairlift
In senso inverso
6.20 h + chairlift
Ghigo di Prali 1455 m – seggiovia – Bric Rond 2485 m -13 Laghi 2386 m – Colle Giulian 2451 m – Villanova 1223 m
If you wish to spend a few hours visiting the museum, you can avoid the strenuous climb to Colle Giulian by using the 13 Laghi chair lift.
It is advisable to phone the chair lift company to check the timetable and make sure that the lift is not under repair. In any case it is best to ascend before lunch to avoid reaching Villanova too late.
If you arrive from Rodoretto, the altitude gap on foot is 540 m, and it will take you 7.15 hours to walk to Villanova.
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