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Alpe Veglia – Alpe Devero

Tipologia percorso


Dislivello in salita

850 m

Dislivello in discesa

960 m

Tempo complessivo

6.30 hours

In senso inverso

6.45 hours

Rifugio Città di Arona 1770 m – Pian Sass Mor 2070 – Passo di Valtendra 2431 m – Scatta d’Orogna 2461 m – Alpe Buscagna 1967 – Alpe Devero  1634

This is a magnificent route immersed in the Veglia-Devero Natural Park, in the first part the imposing Monte Leone looms, there is a short equipped section that connects the Valiendra Pass with the Scatta d’Orogna, in the second part you can admire the rocky ramparts around Pizzo di Boccareccio and the beautiful lakes you meet.

The path begins behind the Città di Arona refuge (1770 m), climbs halfway up the slope and then climbs entering the Rio Frova valley, skirting the gorge of the stream high up until it reaches the large Pian du Scricc Stalaregno alp. Cross the stream and begin to climb through the woods until you reach the edge of the woods at Pian Sass Mor (2070 m). The path climbs steeply with narrow hairpin bends up to Passo di Valtendra (2431 m) at 3.00. You then continue halfway up the slope, losing a little altitude, skirting the base of steep rocky walls and entering a large amphitheater with a small lake. From here you climb slightly along the hillside reaching the Scatta d’Orogna (2461m) at 1.00, surrounded by the mountains of Alpe Devero. The descent along the Val Buscagna begins, always keeping to the hydrographic left side of the stream. The high-altitude grasslands give way to the larch forest. You pass the huts of Alpe Buscagna (1967 m) 1.15 hours and continue on a slight slope until you reach the pastures of Buscagna (1941 m). The wide path descends to Devero, crossing the Pedemonte hamlet and finally reaching the Ai Ponti hamlet and the Antica Locanda Alpino 1634 m at 6.30 am.

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