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Rifugio Jervis – Rifugio Barbara

Tipologia percorso



Anello del Monviso

Anello delle Valli Valdesi

Dislivello in salita

900 m

Dislivello in discesa

880 m

Tempo complessivo

5.10 h

In senso inverso

5 h

Rifugio Jervis 1732 m – Rifugio Granero 2377 m – Colle Manzol 2633 m – Rifugio Barbara 1753 m

If you want to make the section Rifugio Jervis- Rifugio Barbara more alpinistic, you can choose a higher itinerary that crosses the whole Conca del PrĂ  and touches the Rifugio Granero.

This is a more varied itinerary, that leads to the sources of the Pellice and the snowfields that supply it. The walking time is about 90 minutes longer that the main itinerary, but is more striking for the environment and the high mountains, especially in the section Rifugio Granero-Colle Manzol.

This itinerary is that of the famous alpine race “Tre Rifugi”. It is not especially difficult, except in the first section from Colle Manzol to Rifugio Barbera because of the path that is a little exposed.