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Refuge Lago Verde – Fraction Malzat di Prali

Tipologia percorso


Dislivello in salita

50 m

Dislivello in discesa

1180 m

Tempo complessivo

2.40 h

In senso inverso

3.45 h

Rifugio Lago Verde 2583 m – Bout du Col 1698 m – Frazione Malzat di Prali 1475 m

After leaving the refuge, you descend following the comfortable path that crosses an area of poor pastures characterized by the alternation of numerous depressions, humps and small peat bogs. In a short time you reach the mule track (EPT 208) of Colle d’Abries, which for a stretch runs alongside the course of the Germanasca and the beautiful source of Fontanone (2256 m, visible on the opposite side), then turns away from it to descend to cross the the large plateau of Freibourgio 2136 m, recognizable by the presence of the ruins of the old cableway. After crossing the plateau and the stream that descends from the Piani di San Giacomo, you climb up to an altitude of 2171 among sparse larches and a few isolated specimens of stone pine, then you pass the Eitrangoulòou bottleneck and begin the long and comfortable descent through magnificent centuries-old larches and good pastures rich in flora and fauna, until reaching the wide meadows of Bout du Col and the new bergeria, 1742 m; 1.40 hours. Leave the carriage road that goes down to Ribba to follow the one that, on the left, goes down to the huts of Bout du Col 1698 m. This takes you to the Giù da Sap 1699 m huts, then follows the mule track that runs alongside the Germanasca, which in this stretch flows deeply, forming beautiful waterfalls and deep gorges. Leaving the mule track that goes up to Bergeria Sellette on the left, go down to cross the deep stream that descends from Vergia and head towards Pomieri 1511 m. perhaps the oldest village in Pral. From Pomieri follow the path which, through fields and meadows still well cultivated, touches the Martinat 1507 m, a small group of crumbling granges, passes the Comba of Cato Langio and reaches Orgiere 1484 m, another well-preserved village. From here you descend to cross the Germanasca on the small wooden bridge (Pont de Plaj located below Malzat, then continue on the asphalt road up to the Hotel Alpi-Miramonti stopover in Fraction Malzat 1475; 1.00 hour.

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