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Venaus, Frazione Berno – Rifugio Amprimo

Tipologia percorso


Dislivello in salita

877 m

Dislivello in discesa

50 m

Tempo complessivo

5.10 hours

In senso inverso

4.10 hours

Venaus, Frazione Berno 558 m – Pietrastretta 500 m – Susa 501 m – Meana di Susa 595 m  – Cappella La Colma 1405 m – Rifugio Amprimo 1385 m

It is a transfer stage that crosses the Susa Valley and passes within the Municipality of Susa (ancient Roman city), as you go up again you begin to glimpse the length of the Susa Valley, you pass between meadows and woods and enters the Cottian Alps Park (formerly Orsiera-Rocciavrè) a basin welcomes us and the Amprimo Refuge appears

From Agriturismo al Prà Muriet Fraction of Berno take Via Mompantero, pass the Fractions Marzano, Trinità and Pietrastretta go under the motorway, cross the bridge over the Cenischia Torrent, Continue along Via Mompantero, once you reach Piazza Bolaffi, turn left into Corso L. Couvert and you arrive at the Susa railway station (500 m) in 0.40 hours. From the station, take Via Roma, after Piazza IV November head south along Via Norberto Rosa to merge into Via Monte Grappa. After the state road 24, turn left onto Via Colle delle Finestre and follow the red and white signs (first on the paved road, then on the mule track) up to the Meana di Susa railway station. Go up the paved road, pass under the railway, and take the mule track towards the hamlets of Grangia, Suffis and Assiere. Along the mule track, through chestnut woods and after crossing the Scaglione stream on a stone bridge, you reach Menolzio (728 m), the hamlet of Mattie. After passing the town, take the mule track to the right which first climbs more moderate slopes in the alluvial fan and then attacks the wooded slope with narrow hairpin bends. Having reached about 1280m the path bends slightly to the north-west and with a stretch along the hillside it reaches the plateau of the Toglie chapel (1435m) the Amprimo refuge. Go up until you pass a first and a second pass near the Casa delle Casse (1506m). You then descend into the woods, up to the hamlet of La Comba (1405m) 3.40 hours. From this group of houses you decisively cross the Rio Gerardo valley, crossing the stream you reach the Amprimo refuge at Pian Cervetto (1385m) 5.30 hours.

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