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Refuge Margaroli (Alpe Vannino) – Ponte Formazza

Tipologia percorso


Dislivello in salita

395 m

Dislivello in discesa

1305 m

Tempo complessivo

4.45 hours

In senso inverso

6.15 hours

Rifugio Margaroli 2196 m – Passo Nefelgiù  2583 m – Alpe Nefelgiù 2049 m – Alpe  Furculti 1890 m  – Alpe Staffel 1715 m – Sotto Frua 1523 m – Brendo 1311 m – Ponte Formazza 1285 m

From Lake Vannino the path climbs up to the Nefelgiù Pass, go along the Vallone and reach Lake Morasco, overlooking the panorama of Val Formazza, go along the Vallone di Morasco reaching Lake Morasco, you arrive at the Toce waterfall, a panoramic point and you arrive at Ponte Formazza passing in front of the Casa Forte, seat of the Walser Ethnographic Museum.

From the Refuge take the steep path to the left of the valley, you will find a short exposed passage across the bed of the tiring stream you reach Passo Nefelgiù (2583 m) 1.30 hours, go down the Vallone di Nefelgiù on the left among debris, blocks of stones , the path becomes narrow and you arrive at Alpe Nefelgiù (2049), it is advisable to go down the dirt track and you arrive on the slopes above Lake Morasco and you arrive at Alpe Furculti (1890 m) 1.40 hours, follow the signs for Alpe Staffel (1715 m), you arrive at the end of a steep path, follow the state road up to the Toce waterfall restaurant and take the very panoramic path, descend alongside the waterfall to the base of the jump to get at Sotto Frua (1523m) the trail takes us to the right along the right bank of the Toce and descend towards Brendo (1311m). Formazza and at the Posto Stage Hotel Edelweiss (1285 m) at 4.45.

Bus “Cascate del Toce Domodossola”:

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